
Raising awareness to support Niyonizeye elysee

Niyonizeye elysee is a 10 years old boy with Hearing and speaking disability, he suspended his school while in primary two in special schools of children with similar disabilities where his parents used to pay school fees but this stopped because of financial issues in his family, this boy is good at using computer and using Sign languages but none of her family knows the sign language to communicate with elyse only he can show some happiness while looking other people doing signs.

STC is taking initiative from now to raise the awareness of people with good heart and interest to supporting our activities to see if someone has to do something either with supporting school fees or any other school related materials, STC is rallied to the community to stand together for Elyse.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

Elyse's computer skills continued to shine, and he quickly became a valuable resource for both students and teachers. His intelligence, curiosity, and unwavering determination to learn inspired everyone around him. Elyse was not defined by his disability; he was defined by his limitless potential either from his last school managers and teachers and to all people around him