• Rwanda Muhanga


Our organization recognizes that education is a fundamental right for every child, including those with disabilities. Inclusive education support encompasses various initiatives and programs aimed at removing barriers and ensuring that children with disabilities have access to quality education

We support children within our community to join public schools and advocate for those with no capability of joining public schools to see if hey can find a special school.

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Through our inclusive education support initiatives, we strive to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and ensure that children with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. By fostering inclusive learning environments, we believe that all children can reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.
We encourage social integration and peer support among students with and without disabilities. This helps foster empathy, understanding, and acceptance, creating a positive and inclusive school culture. We organize activities, workshops, and awareness campaigns to promote inclusivity and reduce stigma surrounding disabilities.

  • Providing School Materials at the beginning of academic year 2024

What You Should Know About STC

Of course yes! STC is a legal Non Governmental Organization with legal personality and have the awards of recognition among the Organizations in the area.

We continously update our portfolio with new documents to ensure the management and information storage about the organization,
Our code of conducts , child protection policy and Strategic Plan shows it as well to ensuring the behaviours that are unacceptable within the organization members and proper behaviours aproach. Our work is organized and we have the anual plan.

STC is heading far to the world of Inclusion and Humanity among people. Where strong ones support weak. We promote Humanity, Compassion and Love!

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