• Rwanda Muhanga

What is in Early Childhood Development

In our organization, Early Childhood Development (ECD) is paramount in order foster inclusive growth and development for all children, particularly those with disabilities. Our approach to ECD is holistic we aim to address the diverse needs of young children to ensure they have the best start in life.

Ensuring children receive balanced and nutritious meals to support their growth and development. This includes educating parents and caregivers on proper nutrition.


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Through our dedicated ECD programs, STC is committed to ensuring that every child, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to thrive. By addressing health, education, nutrition, sanitation, and child protection, we are laying a strong foundation for the future success and well-being of the children in our community.

What You Should Know About STC

Of course yes! STC is a legal Non Governmental Organization with legal personality and have the awards of recognition among the Organizations in the area.

We continously update our portfolio with new documents to ensure the management and information storage about the organization,
Our code of conducts , child protection policy and Strategic Plan shows it as well to ensuring the behaviours that are unacceptable within the organization members and proper behaviours aproach. Our work is organized and we have the anual plan.

STC is heading far to the world of Inclusion and Humanity among people. Where strong ones support weak. We promote Humanity, Compassion and Love!

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