
Preparing for September 25th schools and Seeking Your Support.

As the summer days gradually give way Stand Together for Change is gearing up for a significant event; the reopening of schools on September 25th. At STC, we understand the importance of education and its power to transform lives. However, for many underprivileged children, the return to school comes with unique challenges. This is where STC steps in, and we're reaching out the community and seeking for support and financials to meet the needs of all children in our community.

At STC, we're committed to ensuring that no child is left behind due to financial constraints. Our back-to-school fundraising drive aims to provide essential support to these children, allowing them to access the education they deserve. To make the transition back to school as smooth as possible for the children we serve, we've identified several critical needs including school materials hygienic materials and uniforms. STC is counting to 22 children in need of support of the aforementioned materials.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

Your support, whether through donations, volunteer work, or spreading the word, is invaluable in making this mission a reality. Together, we can create a brighter future for the underprivileged children we serve, giving them the tools they need to reach their full potential. Join us in making a difference this school year. Together, we can stand together for change and ensure that every child's educational journey is filled with promise and possibility