

TUTUBAYE Bruno is 3 years with a severe knocked which can lead to the physical disability if he doesn’t get early medical attention.

TUYUBAHE Bruno is living with her second mother because his parents are divorced, his family is not able to afford medical cost for his treatment, yet the manipulation process to his condition is not working, doctors decided an operation of his knees so that he can normal walk again.
yet the manipulation process to his condition is not working, doctors decided an operation of his knees so that he can normal walk again. Bruno needs early treatment of his knees in to prevent further complication which can lead to the physical disability, his operation cost will be five hundred sixty Rwandan franc (560,000RWF) and he is expecting to start the nursery school for next year 2023.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

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