

Kwizera fiston is 10 years first born with one siblings, is family poor with low income, he was born without any disability, at his 7 years when he was playing with other kids,

he was pushed up with his colleague and was broken the tibia, the management was not proper due to the family income that led the bone to be affected with osteomyelitis and mal union of the bone.

The condition make him to drop out as school and stay home, he was helped to get assistive devices which can support him to go back to school and he is now in primary school 2.

Orthopedic surgeons decided an operation of his leg so that he can walk independently and continue the normal life, the cost plan for the operation can take six hundred thousand Rwandan franc (600,000 rwf) what was a big issue for his family and the condition is aggravating by the time.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

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