• Rwanda Muhanga

Core values in STC

STC Loves and cares for children with disabilities in their families and our activities are not limited to aforementioned contents in Main program. This love is a gift God
STC works in a collaborative relationship between other organizations, donors, volunteers and interested people of the same goal of serving community.
STC always emphasizes on looking for the good in People, focus on People's Potentials, treat everyone as equal, love everyone as brothers and sisters, forgive and show Compassion.

Our motors in S T C

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:40) STC shows love and compassion from God our father to the vulnerable persons

  • Empowering children with disabilities to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
  • Promoting inclusivity and ensuring that children from all backgrounds and abilities are welcomed and supported.
  • Providing access to quality education and educational support for children with disabilities from poor families.
  • Ensuring access to healthcare services, therapies, and support that enhance the well-being of children.
  • Offering skill development programs and vocational training to equip children with the tools they need for future success.
  • Taking a comprehensive approach that addresses the multidimensional needs of children, including their physical, emotional, and social well-being.

STC is striving to improve quality of life of children with disabilities by supporting them to access rehabilitation, health services, inclusive education and social integration.

The fortune of the world depends on its diversity, STC aspires a brighter future of children with disabilities and their families, exploring their full potentials and living happier in their respective communities.

Compassion & Love Partnership Humanity Respect