
STC's Back-to-School Drive 2024; Donating Hygienic materials to Gatenzi Primary School

In STC, we firmly believe in fostering an environment where every child has equal access to education and the tools for a brighter future. Today,
we are excited to share an initiative that aligns with our mission to ensure that all Children with disabilities at Gatenzi Primary School which is an inclusive education school where there is no special support to children with disabilities thus taking this initiative of Donating Basic hygienic materials to the school to ensure that no one is left behind in inclusive education.

In many educational settings in Rwanda, basic hygienic materials are not provided according to children needs according to the type of disability. Unfortunately, this was not the case in Gatenzi Primary School. Our students, with their unique abilities and challenges, deserve the same level of care and resources to overcome the challenges they face.

To bridge this gap, STC initiated a campaign to provide hygienic materials to our beloved students. We believe that good hygiene is a fundamental aspect of a child's well-being and educational experience, these included Toilet papers, Cups for drinking water, Plates for meals ,Clean Jerekans for storing clean water, Pads for girls who are already in the ages of their requirement and so on.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the STC community - our donors, volunteers, and dedicated team members. Your unwavering support is the driving force behind our mission to make a difference in the lives of these remarkable children.
As we move forward, we remain committed to breaking down barriers and advocating for inclusivity in education. Our students are not defined by their challenges; they are celebrated for their strengths, and together, we will continue to stand by their side.

Thank you for being a part of the STC family, where every child's potential is nurtured and celebrated.