
STC's Journey During Disability Week with KWIZERA Fiston

In the spirit of support, Stand Together for Change focused on a heartwarming journey to finalize the support of KWIZERA Fiston and his family to overcome the challenges they faced related to the improper house they lived in. Fiston have spent a long time sleeping in the same room with their Cow at home while t the same time that room is used for other household activities like cooking. STC rallied behind Fiston and his family supported his surgery and further follow up, and so STC is still creating lasting changes to this family. building renewal and bed materials were provided to support this boy's journey of sucess.

As Disability Week dawned, STC's dedicated team joined forces with volunteers and donors, bearing gifts that symbolized renewal and hope. Bed and materials, including soft linens and cozy blankets, were lovingly presented to Fiston and his family, marking the beginning of a renewed sense of comfort. But it didn't stop there; STC's commitment to transformative change on this boy is still pushing follow up this yyoung one after surgery of his leg, these materials will help this journey. The celebration was not just about material gifts or renovations; it was a testament to the power of compassion and community. It exemplified STC's unwavering commitment to advocating for inclusivity and dignity for all individuals, especially those like Fiston, who inspire us with their resilience.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

We thank every one who have done something to support this initiative and a step further, initiating a renovation of this family's house and bedroom with materials. In this celebration of renewal during Disability Week, STC reaffirmed its dedication to empowering lives and nurturing hope, one heart, and one family at a time.