
STC mothers in a study trip was quite going well in AZIZI life center

Since the beginning of hand crafting campaign among mothers of children with disabilities that STC work with in order to improve their standards in both economy and career development, a group of mothers decided to embark on a study trip to learn the art of handcrafting jewelry and explore other African culture based materials they were a diverse group of women from different backgrounds, each with a child under STC activities and control. This trip was aimed on creativity and thirst for knowledge.

The journey began with a long work to AZIZI life center from macyera cell at STC HQ, where the group was warmly welcomed by the locals. They were immediately struck by the vibrant colors and intricate designs of the traditional African jewelry on display. The women were eager to learn the techniques used in creating these beautiful pieces.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

Through their journey, the mothers were struck by the generosity and warmth of the AZIZI community, they felt welcomed and valued and were grateful for the opportunity to learn about a different way of life and creation of culture based and jewelry hand crafts that was so different from their own.