
STC is supporting KWIZERA Fiston to get orthopedic treatment .

KWIZERE Fiston is a 10 years old boy who was born with no disability, at his 7 years old when he was playing with other kids was pushed out, he was immediately broken his tibia and fibula bones, he did not yet get immediate treatment due to his living environment which is far from the hospital including his family economic status. This delay of treatment led to the bone osteomyelitis which is the bone inflammation, his bones are failed to consolidate.

STC is supporting him to get proper medication, doctors decided a surgery for his limb so that their can join the bones to facilitate the consolidation.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

This situation affected so much his future, his education and his ambition, he is now using crutches and leg orthosis to support his leg while waiting for surgery in November 2022. We thank everyone who is supporting our activities.