
From Broken Dreams to a Bright Future: KWIZERA Fiston's Journey

In a world where dreams can be shattered in an instant, there are those who refuse to let adversity define them. Meet KWIZERA Fiston, a young child who has overcome tremendous challenges with the help of Stand Together for Change, an extraordinary NGO that supports children with disabilities from impoverished families. Fiston's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, compassion, and the unwavering determination of a community to change lives. At the tender age of 7, his world turned upside down in a matter of seconds. Playing with other children, laughter filled the air as dreams soared high. But amidst the joy, a terrible accident occurred, leaving Fiston with a broken leg. His dreams were shattered, wondering how school his child life as a school boy is going to be.

Fiston's journey towards a better life was not an easy one. It required a collective effort from the community, the support of kind-hearted individuals, and the tireless advocacy of Stand Together for Change. Through various campaigns, fundraisers, and awareness programs, the NGO successfully raised the necessary funds for Fiston's crucial leg surgery. In the days after surgery, Fiston's rehabilitation journey ig going to be supported by Stand Together for Change. Physiotherapy sessions, counseling, and educational assistance became integral parts of his recovery process. The NGO's dedication and unwavering support helped Fiston regain his strength, both physically and emotionally.


we do advocacy to run our initiatives and our actions started in january 2020 we started with nothing unless the family members efforts and our professional knowledge to carry on these initiatives

As we witness the transformation process of KWIZERA Fiston, we are reminded of the immense power we hold to change lives. Fiston's story is not just one of survival; it's a tale of resilience, compassion, and the triumph of the human spirit. Through the collective efforts of Stand Together for Change and the countless individuals who rallied behind Fiston, a brighter future now awaits him.